Joyce Yarger, 63
Homemaker and Animal Wrangler
I started running...
In 1981. Kathleen was 6 and wanted to run
the 5k at the Boone County Fair. We worked to get ready and ran that together.
The kids were all involved with the summer track program in Belvidere. We also
ran local races as a family. As the kids got older I phased into other
activities, but Norm sucked me into the longer distances. I walked while he ran.
As he ran further, I walked further. The Berryman started as a fun run. I did a
19-mile loop while the guys did a 50K. Eventually it became an official race
with a choice of a marathon (1 loop) or 50-mile (2 loops). When I finished I was
hurting, but I felt so good about it, I had to go back the next year and do it
faster. I then decided to do the Glacial Trail 50K. Kathleen was in Albuquerque
at the time, but we kept in touch about our training. She came up in the fall
and we both finished. Kathleen finished way ahead and was there with Norm to run
the last part with me.
When I was young there weren’t very many competitive
sports for girls. We did have GAA intramural sports and I walked and rode my
bike to get places.
Running trail marathons and ultras have become a personal
My favorite local run is...
At the Rock Cut Trails. Overall I
look forward to the Berryman Trail Marathon in Missouri in May. It was my first
marathon and we’ve done it each year. If you like Rock Cut Trails, you’d
love the Berryman.
My favorite thing to do after a hard workout is...
Take a long
shower followed by hot chocolate or tea.
In our family we have a built-in support group. It is
great. We're trying to talk our daughter Kristy into doing a marathon with us
this fall.
I like to run with...
Norm; we usually run opposite loops so
we meet part way through a training run. Claire Gallenz or Marilyn Goepfert and
I usually run/walk together in races. Margie Dieter and Marsha Drabeck
give me a goal to strive for.
While running marathons and ultras, I really enjoy the
scenery. It gives me a chance to
see some beautiful parts of the country.
A lot of people run circles around me. I’m just a
glorified hiker. I run the downhills and walk the uphills and try to keep my
pace up fast enough to make the cutoffs. It’s just a matter of getting the
miles and hours on foot in to keep in shape.
There really is an emotional high as you come into the
finish. That’s what gets me in sometimes. There’s a lot of camaraderie out
there on the course. Everybody is so supportive of each other.
On trail runs you have to deal with a variety of terrain
and conditions. I have an issue with steep downhills. I find I'm better without my glasses.
When I'm not running I like to...
Knit and cook.
I am inspired by...
Rose Austin; running when she can barely
see what’s ahead. Rose continues running when other people might cut back on
activity. If the trail gets tough, I think about Rose.
The local runner I most admire is...
Larry Swanson. He knows
Rock Cut like the back of his hand and finds wonderful little trails for his
I run a cadence in my head when the hills get tough and
picture the downhill or the finish area.
My greatest running accomplishment was...
Completing the Superior Trail Marathon in 2004. Before the race, one fellow said to add 1 or 2
hours to your toughest trail marathon. He was right. I finished in the dark with
lights (headlamp and flashlight). The Superior Trail runs just north of Lake
Superior through part of the Sawtooth Mountain Range in Minnesota. It has some
wonderful views of the lake. It has some good climbs like Moose Mountain and
Carlton Peak which are a good workout, with a wide range of terrain, climbs, and
descents. It is a gorgeous trail to hike.
If I could no longer run I would...
Walk, bike, or swim. I
need an activity. I always feel better after a walk, run or workout. It's a good
kind of tired.
My advice to other runners...
I run/walk so I get to enjoy
the scenery. Enjoy the run.
I plan to run until I...
Can’t; then I’ll go back to
walking as much as I can. I really need to get outside each day.
My next goal...
The Rock Cut trail series and Land Between
the Lakes Marathon in March in Kentucky.